Solar Energy Support Loan

SEVA-Manipur always is concern about the poor power supply in the state. The present
condition is somewhat better than the previous as many areas has been transformed into pre-paid
system lately. But there still exist power problem with load shedding and sudden blackouts
creating a lot of problem for small and marginal entrepreneurs mainly the poor women with
hampered working hours thereby reduce in productivity and profit margin. Therefore in an
attempt to provide alternative arrangement of light during the night time, an innovative support
in the form of Solar Energy Support Loan scheme was initiated by SEVA.
The loan is provided fewer than two categories:
1. Solar Home-lighting System
2. Solar Livelihood Program.
The entire set up and installation is handed by SEVA- Manipur and its ground partners. The
setup comes with a solar panel and proportionate batteries, wiring and accessories. There are five
types of watt-power panels which can be installed upon requirement.