Micro Venture Loan

Every SGH and JLG formed and supported by SEVA has different Potentials, Skill and Capabilities.
The product produce by different groups have different margin of market and profit. Most
importantly the visions of these groups are very different in their own right. The responsibility of
understanding these visions and striving to achieve that is shared by the members of the groups
and SEVA- Manipur alike. A growing business needs more influx of Investment to sustain its
steady growth. The loan amount provided to the SHG has a certain ceiling hence, SEVA- Manipur
introduces Micro-Venture Loan support these growing SHGs and JLGs.

It is a loan product initiated with the objectives to extend initial investment to group base
entrepreneurs to run and sustain business of a common product. A group can avail a loan fund of
Rs.500,000/- to Rs.10,00,000/- under this loan product at a low interest of 24% PA. It is also a
group based loan but there are some criteria to be fulfilled by the group in order to avail the
micro-venture loan from SEVA.

* All members need to produce common product that can be marketed.
* All of the members have to bare equal amount of responsibilities towards business and shall
be liable to each other.
* Selection of beneficiary group is done from existing groups that have good repayment and
saving habits.
* The group must maintain a substantial corpus of saving amount in the group bank account.
*The group shall have a common working place where the group members can work together.

This loan product aims to help the existing groups which are effectively operational and has the
potential to become successful micro-venture.