Income Generation Loan

The loan support is endorsed to those who already have engaged with an income generation
activity as their primary or secondary livelihood source to enhance their profit earning activity
and to those who are not engaged with an income generation activity to invest as initial
working capital. It is a group based lending support to group members with work culture and
who have will to work and earn more but does not have enough initial working capital to
enhance their business.
The lending and repayment process along with constant handholding support together forms
the strategy formulated by SEVA- Manipur to enable SHGs & JLGs to sustain their enterprise with
financial and physical independence. SEVA- Manipur aims to enhance the capacity of the group
and acts as a guardian in helping the Groups build up a large corpus out of the small savings the
members contributes monthly, empowering them to maintain a steady growth. SEVA Guides the
members of the group to be a responsible borrower with good saving and repayments habits.
The loan amounts are given out in phase and the development of the group is keenly
observed. The loan amount varies from Rs.5, 000 to Rs.25, 000 depending upon the performance
of the groups. The interest rate for this loan is 24% p.a. Even though the maximum amount could
be paid to a group with consistent performance there is a cap on the loan amount that could be
avail by a group (SHG or JLG). Those group are promoted to micro venture to make sure that they
have enough investment to sustain their Growth.