Executive Governing Body
A. Bharjit Singh (President)
A well-known leading figure in and outside the state for his cease less effort towards the causes of the society and financial inclusion initiatives. Well trained in various countless professional and technical skills with participation in many national and international levels training programs and having extra capacity of both physical and financial planning, project formulation etc. More than thirty years experience in voluntary and social works began from grass root level. He has been elected as the president of the association.

K. Sanahanbi Devi (Vice-President)
An experience political figure. Elected as the ward member once in Khundrakpam Assembly constituency. She left politics for the betterment of the people. She took an important role in developing the organization. A social minded and self less attitude person for without her loyal contribution it might be impossible to get the place where the organization stands now.
Kh. Chingkhei Singh (Secretary)
A young and energetic personality capable of baring the responsibilities of the organization work in social and non-profiting organizations has help her impart knowledge in different fields. A well-known leading figure in and outside the state for his cease less effort towards the causes of the society and financial inclusion initiatives. Well trained in various countless professional and technical skills with participation in many national and international levels training programs and having extra capacity of both physical and financial planning, project formulation etc. Worked in many different social issues in the larger interest of the society. He is also an National Awardee in Humanity service from Information and Broadcasting. Govt.of India.

Kh. Tamphasana Devi (Assistant Secretary)
A well-known figure in the field of children and women related programs. She is also the founder of NEPSC, an NGO base in Manipur. Well experience in community mobilization skill and accountancy, Possess experience of grass root level activities.
Yumnam Sileima Devi (Treasurer)
A young and energetic personality capable of baring the responsibilities of the mass. Experience accumulated in different social and non-profiting organizations has helped her impact knowledge in different fields. As a young social worker she is learning the ropes to walk in footsteps of our founding fathers. Current she holds a post of Secretary in RUSA NGOs.

Samantajit Mayegbam Executive Member (Independent)
He is a well-known figure in the field of microfinance and livelihood with background of having worked as the project executive of RGVN, DST, Imphal. A highly literate person having experienced many financial support programs in his credit. Good project management, documentation and reporting skills. He has been elected as the Executive Member (Independent Charge). Currently he hold a an principal of a BET College.
Dr. S. Jasowanta Singh (Executive Member)
He is one the most prominent social worker of the state totally dedicated for the cause of physically challenged people of Manipur. Not only a role model but he has dedicated his life for the uplift and welfare of the handicapped person living in the rural and urban areas of Manipur. A pioneer in education sector involving with handicap person being the first doctorate degree holder of Manipur for handicapped person ((Blind). He has been elected as the Executive Member.