Received an Appreciation Certificate

Awareness Speech given by Dr. Konsam Surjit, Medical Officer, Blood Bank & Transfusion Unit JNIMS, Porompat.

Audience participating blood donation camp.
Medical Checkup before Voluntarily donating blood.
An altruistic donor who gives blood freely and willingly without money or any other form of payment
Voluntary Blood Donation Camp

The team of SEVA never underestimated the shortage of blood for transfusion purpose currently facing in the state. Therefore in order to contribute what it can do for the cause of the society will be organizing periodical and regular voluntary blood donation camps @ twice a year probably in relation to Jana Neta Hijam Irabot Memorial Day observation and Annual Meet of SEVA-Manipur. He also urged the general population to create and generate awareness on the benefits of blood donation and clear the misconception regarding blood donation.
Awareness Camp on Women Health and Hygiene

• Awareness among broader about the importance of Personal and Menstrual hygiene.
• Demonstrate the social importance of personal hygiene to maintain a hygienic lifestyle.
• Encourage the participants to take responsibility of their health and cleanness in a friendly environment to remain mentally, physically and socially healthy.
• Teach the attendees how to take care of hand, body, tooth, foot and cloth’s hygiene in day to day life and during menstruation period.