Individual Loan

In the state of Manipur today there is always an ever increasing number of youth and adult alike
despite of their education unable to secure an employment. This section of the population seeks to
establish their own employment by establishing a small to medium size business as retail shop,
poultry farming, animal husbandry, skill-labor enterprise etc. Most of those who are skill and
enterprising often lack adequate funding to start or sustain their endeavors.
SEVA- Manipur often came across these individuals during SHG and JLG formation, meeting and
trainings. They put forward their challenges in joining or forming a group in Village and Block
level meetings and training organized by SEVA. The organization conducted a survey an reveal
that many of those running small to medium enterprise could be help to progress in their
respective field if proper support and guidance is provided. Introducing Individual loans to
support these enterprising individuals is the outcome of these studies. SEVA- Manipur not only
aims to give monetary support but also provide proper book keeping guidance, introduce good
saving & repayment habits and most importantly proper time management.
This loan is introduced to support poor household with an income generating activity but has no
means to be part of a SHG or JLG group or form a group of their own. This loan is provided to be
utilized in expanding the existing income generating activity. Proper monitoring of the business
and account is done while availing the loan. The loan amount range from Rs.10,000 to Rs. 50,000
and the interest rate is as low as 24% p.a. Till date around 1,000 Individuals have been benefited
from this support.