About Us
Self Employment Voluntary Association (SEVA) is a non-Governmental organisation. it is absolutely secular in nature without any discrimination of caste, creed, community and religion. It believe in unity in diversity and is totally voluntary organisation dedicated to the cause of bringing about a positive change in the society towards inclusive growth and overall development in through people’s participation
The association was established on the 12th January 1991 by a group of social workers and was formally registered under the Societies Registration Act, Manipur on the 13th February 1991 bearing registration number 2173/ID/MR/1991(M). The association is also legally entitled with registration under 12 A, PAN, 80 G, TAN, FRCA, etc and have many partnership and collaboration with many national and international level organisation, funding agencies and capacity builders such as FWWB – India, IGS (BASIX), Rang De, RGVN, NEDFi, CML, TATA Trust, etc to name a few.
With the consensus resolution adopted during the General Body Meeting held in 2007. SEVA started it’s microfinance activities in around the capital city of Imphal with meager portfolio in the year 2009 . Within a short span of time the association beacame one of the leading and popular NGOFMI specially in mobilising and formation of SHGs and JLGs. Thus with initial operation within three districts of Manipur State viz. Imphal West, Imphal East, Bishnupur, Thoubal, Churachnapur, Chandel and Senapati Districts of the State within the financial year of 2014-15.
SEVA beliefs that empowerment of women and children can be realized only when there is economic as well as social stability. SEVA also took it seriously that their decision making power are enhanced. SEVA has been very successful in carrying out microfinance with other social sector initiatives such as organising different awareness, training, workshop, capacity building, skill development, etc.
Beside providing income generation loan support is also providing BPL Educational Loan to support the bright but poor students every year during the starting of new academic session. This loan supports which is hassle free and low interest rate as low as RS 65% p.a. is very popular in the state mainly in the working areas of the association. It is widely demanded among the student community. Till date more than two hundreds of students have been supported by the loan product with financial support from Rang De, Bangalore and partly from the association’s own contribution. During this financial year of 2015-16 a hundred students are targeted to cover under it.
SEVA is also providing solar energy lamp to it’s SHG & JLG member and borrowers through loan support under the theme “Solution for Darkness” with the aim to provide 24 hours light taken from the solar energy and promote renewable energy in the state. Manipur being a state with electricity setback benefited many people mainly in the rural areas by increasing their working hours a day hence their products.

Our Mission
"A sustainable organization providing access to range of quality financial services to poor household which will have disproportionate impact on their livelihood and socio economic condition".
Our Vision
"Vision lays down the Big Audacious Goal that helps the institution define its future growth path. The Vision statement of SEVA-Manipur is " To serve 1,00,000 poor women clients by 2025 in the state of Manipur through client focused financial services".